A/P Payments

Use this form to enter, update, delete, and post vendor payments. You can have the system generate the payments automatically, or you can manually select them.


You cannot delete a standard check or incoming draft payment that has a check number and whose reference does not begin with APPR.

Enter the payment amount. For standard or incoming draft payment types, the payment must be in the domestic or vendor default currency. For other payment types, the currency of any bank code can be specified for payment, and the system automatically calculates the converted value.

Enter payments before printing checks or drafts. Perform processing after you post voucher and adjustment transactions. The payment amount is comprised of voucher payments, non-A/P payments, and commission payments.

The system calculates check or draft amounts for payments, based on the payment distributions for standard checks or drafts. It supports manual and computer-generated checks, wire transfers, electronic funds transfers, and standard and incoming drafts.

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