Resource Group Summary Report
Use this report form to list the totals of all resources that were scheduled from the selected resource groups during the last run of the Scheduler. All totals represent the total time for all resources in a particular group.
To specify that the Scheduling activity should capture this information, you must select the Load Profile Data and Summary Data fields on the Resources form for each resource you want to track.
For each resource group, the report displays information such as:
- On-Shift Capacity: The total on-shift hours for all resources in the resource group. "On-shift" refers to a shift period where the resource was available to work.
- Total Load: The total run hours busy + total hours in setup + total hours blocked (total times for all resources in the group).
- Percent Load: Total load (described above) + total on-shift hours * 100.
- Run: The total hours that resources in the group were busy working on an operation.
- Setup: The total hours that resources in the group were being set up.
- Idle: The total hours that resources in the group were not working on any load (during an on-shift period).
- Blocked: The total hours that resources in the group were blocked; for example, an operation requires 2 resources, both of which are allocated, but then one goes off shift while the other is still on shift: the resource that is still on shift would be blocked.
- # Jobs: The average number of jobs waiting for resources in the group during the scheduling period.
- Time: The minimum hours any load had to wait for any resource in the group.
- # Jobs Run: The number of jobs processed by the resources in the group.
- # Loads Wait: The number of times any load waited for any resource in the group.
You can produce this report for a range of resources, resource groups, resource types, and percent loads.