Customer Order Kit Builder
Use this form to build kits for customer order lines.
After you specify filter criteria (kit items, planner code, and/or due dates), click the Filter button. Each customer order line item (and blanket release) that matches the filter criteria is displayed in the grid. In order for a line item to be listed, the following must be true for the line item:
- Quantity Ordered is greater than Quantity Shipped
- Line item status must be Ordered
- Ref Type must be Job
- Ref Number must be blank
Select the records to process and specify the quantity and location, as well as lot and serial number if applicable.
When you click
, the system does the following:- Generates inventory transactions for the kits.
- Creates a jobtran record for a Just-in-Time transaction for each selected line.
- Posts the kit components using standard routing and bill of materials.
- Creates a reservation for the order line item, linking it to the newly created kit. This step occurs only if the kit item is marked as Reservable on the Items form.
After processing, the kit remains in the grid until you ship the customer order.