Sort method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Sorts the current collection by a specified property and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sort operation was successful.


object.Sort( string, Boolean1, Boolean2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid IDO collection object.
string Required. The name of the property by which items are to be sorted.
Boolean1 Required. Determines whether case should be considered when sorting:
  • TRUE: Case is to be considered when sorting.
  • FALSE: Case is not to be considered when sorting.
Boolean2 Required. Determines the sort order:
  • TRUE: Items are sorted in descending order.
  • FALSE: Items are sorted in ascending order.


A return value of:

  • TRUE indicates that the sort was successful.
  • FALSE indicates that the sort was not successful.


Sub Main()
   ' Case-sensitive sort of the primary IDO collection on the property named
   ' TaskDescription in descending order.
   ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.Sort( "TaskDescription", True, True )
End Sub