GetListValue method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, list source components


Returns the value of a specified row and column in the list source for a component.


object.GetListValue( integer1, integer2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a list source component object.
integer1 Required. The row number of the list source.
integer2 Required. The column number of the list source.


The return value is a string containing the value at the specified row and column.

The index for both row and column numbers is zero-based.


Sub Main()
   Dim iRow As Integer
   Dim iNumListRows As Integer
   Dim strGridColVal As String
   'Get the number of rows in the list.
   iNumListRows = ThisForm.Components("list1").NumListRows
   'Loop through the list displaying the second column entry for each row.
   For iRow = 1 To iNumListRows
      strGridColVal = ThisForm.Components("list1").GetListValue(iRow, 1)
      Application.ShowMessage("Row " & iRow & " = " & strGridColVal)
   Next iRow
End Sub