GetGridValue method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, grid components


Returns the value of a cell in a specified grid component.


object.GetGridValue( integer1, integer2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid grid component.
integer1 Required. The row number.
integer2 Required. The column number.


The return value is a string containing the value of the cell contents at a particular row/column location.

The index for the row and column numbers is not zero-based. In a grid, the first row is row 1, and the first column is column 1.


Sub Main()
   Dim cellValue As String
   Dim curRow As Integer
   Dim curCol As Integer
   'Get the location and value of the selected cell.
   curRow = ThisForm.Components("grid1").GetGridCurrentRow()
   curCol = ThisForm.Components("grid1").GetGridCurrentCol()
   cellValue = ThisForm.Components("grid1"). _
      GetGridValue(curRow, curCol)
   'Display the value in a message box.
   Application.ShowMessage("The value of the cell is: " _
      & vbLf & vbLf & "     " & cellValue)
End Sub