GetSecondaryCollectionNumber method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Returns an integer indicating the status of a specified IDO collection object.



  Part   Description
object Required. The name of a valid IDO collection object.


The return value is one of the following integers:

1 The specified object is the primary IDO collection.
2, 3, ... n The index or numeric value of a secondary IDO collection, where n is an integer.
-2 The specified object is a subcollection, not a secondary IDO collection.
-3 The specified object has an invalid entry.


Sub Main()
   Dim oCache As IWSIDOCollection
   Dim iValue As Integer
   oCache = ThisForm.Components("grid1").IDOCollection
   iValue = oCache.GetSecondaryCollectionNumber()
   If iValue = 1 Then
       Application.ShowMessage("The specified collection is the primary collection.")
   ElseIf iValue = -2 Then
       Application.ShowMessage("The specified collection is a subcollection, not a secondary collection.")
   ElseIf iValue = -3 Then
       Application.ShowMessage("The specified collection is an invalid entry.")
       Application.ShowMessage("The index number of the specified secondary collection is " _
       & iValue & ".")
   End If
End Sub