If you need to check availability of the item before completing
the order, click Get ATP or Get CTP and see the help topic for the
Availability Results form for
details about the information that displays.
Save the customer order line. If the Allow
Over Credit Limit field is selected, the record is saved as-is.
If the Allow Over Credit Limit field
is not selected, the system checks if the order total is less than,
or equal to, the total available credit for the customer. If it is,
the system then checks if the order total is less than, or equal to,
the order credit limit, if specified. If it is, the record is saved.
If the order fails these checks, the order status is changed to Planned,
a warning message displays, and the record is saved.
If the order has a long lead time and your customer requires a
hard-copy order acknowledgement, print the Order Verification Report.
Ship the order.
For the steps, see Shipping
Customer Orders. You can print the packing list before or after
shipping transactions.
Invoice the order.
For the steps, see Invoicing
a Customer Order. When you print the invoice, the system also
posts the record to Accounts Receivable. For more information, see
Receivable Steps.