About tile forms

Essentially, tiles are embeddable forms with limited capabilities. Tile forms are not intended to be accessed and displayed as stand-alone forms, but must be displayed within a container on another, "host" form. The information displayed on each tile form, then, is taken from a single record of the IDO collection bound to the host form.

Use tiles to display key information succinctly. Tiles also offer user interaction options such as clicking to go to a different form.

Tile forms can be displayed within either of two types of container components: grids or infocons. For more information, see Adding Tiles to a Form.

When multiple tiles are displayed in a form, it is the container's domain to manage the multiple UI controls and bind them to appropriate rows.


It is fine to use the same tile form on multiple host forms; and it is also fine to use multiple tile forms on a single host form.

In tiles, the current row is indicated by a background color that is specified in the theme, or it uses the same color as the grid's current row color. Current row status icons (new, modified, error, and marked-for-deletion) are displayed in the upper left corner, overlaid on the tile, similar to the way they are handled in grid rows.

Tile forms are very limited, as compared to other types of forms:

  • The only form event to be processed is the primary event (click) on components.
  • No form scripts can run.
  • No form variables are present.
  • Filter-in-place is not possible.
  • You cannot add any new Action menus or toolbar buttons.
  • Tiles can only bind to a single collection.
  • Data in tiles is read-only.
  • Only these component types are allowed on tiles:
    • Static, which can display images as well as text
    • Edit
    • Multiline edit
    • Button, which can also display an optional image
    • Hyperlink
    • Checkbox
    • Combo and Date Combo (read-only)
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