BlobFormat property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface


Gets or sets a string value indicating the type of binary data associated with that component.

Get Syntax


  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form component object.

Set Syntax

object.BlobFormat = string

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form component object.
string Required. A reference to the binary data type to be associated with the designated form component object.


This string value typically represents a file type such as BMP, PNG, JPG, DLL, or EXE, which you can access to know what type of file to import, export, and/or create and execute when processing or presenting the contained binary data.

The Set syntax resets the binary data type associated with the component and displays the new value in the Binary Data field of the C omponent property sheet. Essentially, using the Set syntax amounts to the same thing as changing the value in the Binary Data field of the property sheet.


Sub Main()
   Application.ShowMessage("The binary data type is: " _
      & ThisForm.Components("button2").BlobFormat)
   ThisForm.Components("button2").BlobFormat = "PNG"
   Application.ShowMessage("The binary data type has been changed to: " _
      & ThisForm.Components("button2").BlobFormat)
End Sub