BitmapFileName property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, objects that can contain images


Sets or returns the file name of a graphic file contained within a component.

Get Syntax


  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form component object.

Set Syntax

object.BitmapFileName = string

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form component object.
string Required. The file name of the graphic file.


In the Get syntax, the return value is a string containing the file name of the graphic file.

In the Set syntax, to clear an image from a component, enter an empty string (" ") for the file name.


This example assigns a warning graphic to a button component and then displays the message: "The background image being used is warning.png."

To clear the image, enter an empty string (" ") in place of "warning.png" on the fourth line. After clearing the image, the system then displays the message: "There is no background image assigned."

Sub Main()
   Dim oComponent As IWSFormComponent
   ThisForm.Components("ScriptButton").BitmapFileName = "warning.png"
   oComponent = ThisForm.Components("ScriptButton")
   If oComponent.BitmapFileName = "" Then
      Application.ShowMessage("There is no background image assigned.")
      Application.ShowMessage("The background image being used is " _
         & oComponent.BitmapFileName & ".")
   End If
End Sub