Setting up Chinese Account Code and G/L Reference Descriptions

You can define Chinese versions of the account code and General Ledger reference descriptions. These Chinese descriptions are printed on the reports provided in the China Localization module.

  1. Specify this information in the Reference Maintenance form:
    Select AC to define the Chinese description for an account code. Select RF to define the Chinese description for a General Ledger reference.
    The sequence number for each description record is system-generated.
    Starting String and Reference Description

    If the ID is AC, specify the first four digits of the account code in Starting String, and specify its Chinese description in Reference Description. For example, if you specify a starting string of 1101 here and specify Chinese characters in Reference Description, the descriptions of accounts where the code starts with 1101 are printed using those Chinese characters. In this case, accounts 11011 and 11012 use the same Chinese description. If the ID is RF, specify the three-character prefix in Starting String, and specify its Chinese description in Reference Description. This prefix is predefined in the standard system. For example, if you specify a starting string of APP and Chinese characters in the reference description, then APP is replaced by those Chinese characters on China Localization reports. Thus, reference number APP12345 is printed as Chinese_characters12345.

  2. Save your changes.
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