Writing Custom Setup Rules

Note:  See Writing a Custom Scheduler Rule for a summary of the steps required to create custom rules. For more details about the functions described in this topic, see the Scheduling Customization Guide, available for download from our Support site.

To determine whether a setup is necessary, you can write a function, ucwtsr, that the Scheduler uses when the Setup Rule on an operation is set to a user-defined setup rule (rule positions 3-39).

Naming the Function

Your custom function can have any name that is not a standard user-callable function name.



#include "factor.h"
int ucwtsr (ldp, type, rp, jsp, rule)
LOAD     *ldp;  /* pointer to the load. */
TCHAR    type; /* 'R' (resource) */
void      *rp;   /* pointer to the resource to setup. */
JOBSTEP  *jsp;  /* pointer to the operation. */
int      rule; /* setup rule to use. */

Function ucwtsr must accept five arguments in the following order:

  1. A pointer to a load (Type: LOAD*).
  2. Type of resource ("R"esource) (Type: char).
  3. A pointer to a resource (Type: void*).
  4. A pointer to an operation (Type: JOBSTEP*).
  5. Setup rule (Type: int).

Return Values

The function should return 1 for success (setup should be done) and 0 for failure (setup should not be done). Type: int.

The following example of ucwtsr sets up a resource every time the part and/or operation changes for the resources.

int ucwtsr(LOAD *ldp, TCHAR type, void *rp, JOBSTEP *jsp, int rule)
     Function to set up a resource if the item or operation is
     different from last setup
       ldp  - pointer to load
       type - "R"esource
       rp   - pointer to resource
       jsp  - pointer to operation
       rule - Setup rule
       true  - perform setup, or
       false - do not perform setup
     int ireturn = 0
     char error[400];
        /* Check if setup or setup/operate or super operation.    */
        if ( (jsp->jstype != 4) &&  (jsp->jstype != 13) )&&
      (jsp->jstype != 19) )
            sprintf(error,"Operation not a Setup or Setup/Operate or Super
                    operation\n\nOrder ID  %s\nLoad ID  %d\nBatch ID
                    %ld\nOperation ID  %s\nOperation Type  %d\n",
                    ldp->loordp->orid, ldp->loid, (ldp->lobat == NULL)
                    ? OL : ldp->lobat->bibatid, jsp->jsid, jsp->jstype);
            seferr(0, error);
        if (type == 'R')
            ireturn = (((RESRC *)rp)->rsptst != ldp->loordp->orptpt
                 ||   ((RESRC *)rp)->rsjsst != jsp) ? 1 : 0;
            ireturn = (((MCRMEMBER *)rp)->mbrptst != ldp->loordp->orptpt
                 ||   ((MCRMEMBER *) rp)->mbrjsst != jsp) ? 1 : 0;
        return (ireturn);

Installing the Custom Function

It is not necessary to install ucwtsr in ucini1 because it is called automatically when the setup rule is greater than 2 (that is, a non-standard rule number).

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