Creating a New Consolidated Invoice Header
You can generate invoice headers for a customer if there are no pending invoice records for the customer. To add invoices for a customer for whom there are pending invoices, perform these steps:
- Open the Consolidated Invoice Generation activity.
- Indicate how you are going to delete records in the Delete Record First By field.
- In the Customer field, select the customer number. If consolidated invoice records for the customer exist, the system displays a message indicating that you cannot create a new invoice.
- Specify the criteria for generating invoices in the Invoice Frequency, Process Customer Orders, Process Delivery Orders, and Generate by Ship Date areas.
- When you have selected your criteria, click .
Note: You can create a new delivery order invoice with the DO Invoice
type Single By PO if a similar invoice for the customer exists. For the
procedure, see Adding Invoice Lines (later in this topic).
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