Example: Custom Code to Communicate with an Outrigger Database
This code sample uses a custom method IDORuntime.Context.CreateOutriggerApplicationDB to provide direct access to an outrigger database. The database must first be linked to your Mongoose application as described in Including Data from an Oracle Database into a Mongoose Application.
public int IdoLinkOtherDbColPopulateSp( string linkedDatabase, string tableName, string optimisticColumnName, byte databaseType, string profileName, string infobar ) { int result = 0; if ( databaseType == 1 ) // SQL Server { if ( !DoSqlServerColumnsSp( linkedDatabase, tableName, infobar ) ) return 16; else return 0; } if (!DeletePreviousColumns( linkedDatabase, tableName, infobar ) ) return 16; using ( ApplicationDB db = IDORuntime.Context.CreateOutriggerApplicationDB( profileName ) ) { IDbCommand cmd = db.Connection.CreateCommand(); IDbDataParameter parm; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = @" SELECT cols.COLUMN_NAME , cols.COLUMN_NAME As ViewColumnName , CASE WHEN DATA_TYPE IN ('VARCHAR', 'NVARCHAR', 'VARCHAR2', 'NVARCHAR2') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsCharacterColumn , CASE WHEN xx.TABLE_NAME IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS IsKeyColumn , cols.DATA_TYPE , CASE WHEN cols.DATA_PRECISION IS NULL THEN cols.DATA_LENGTH ELSE DATA_PRECISION END , cols.DATA_SCALE FROM user_tab_cols cols LEFT OUTER JOIN ( select ucc.table_name, ucc.column_name from user_constraints uc inner join user_cons_columns ucc on ucc.table_name = uc.table_name and ucc.constraint_name = uc.constraint_name and uc.constraint_type = 'P' ) xx ON xx.TABLE_NAME = cols.TABLE_NAME AND xx.COLUMN_NAME = cols.COLUMN_NAME WHERE cols.TABLE_NAME = :ptable "; parm = cmd.CreateParameter(); parm.ParameterName = "ptable"; parm.Value = tableName.ToUpper(); cmd.Parameters.Add( parm ); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = db.Connection; IDataReader colReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (colReader.Read() ) { string colName = colReader.GetString(0); string viewColName = colReader.GetString(1); byte isCharacter = colReader.GetByte(2); byte isKey = colReader.GetByte(3); byte isOptimisticLock = 0; string propertyDataType = colReader.GetString(4); int propertyLength = colReader.GetInt32(5); int? propertyScale = colReader.GetInt32(6); if ( colReader.IsDBNull(6) ) propertyScale = null; if ( optimisticColumnName == colName ) isOptimisticLock = 1; if (!InsertOneColumn( linkedDatabase, tableName, colName, viewColName, isCharacter, isKey, isOptimisticLock, propertyDataType, propertyLength, propertyScale, infobar ) ) { break; } } } return result; }
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