Note: If the site
where you unshare the table is in the same database as the master site,
there is no view to drop, and the table already exists.
Log in to the master site, where the shared tables exist for the intranet.
Then follow these steps:
On the Intranet Shared Tables form, select this
site's intranet.
A list of the _all tables that can be shared displays. (Not every
_all table is listed; some are not available for sharing.)
Tables that are currently shared between all sites on the intranet
are marked as Shared and Processed.
Clear the Shared field for all the
tables that you no longer want to share.
Select .
Click Process to delete the views into
the selected _all tables from the other sites, copy the selected _all
tables from the master site back to all the other sites, and regenerate
the replication triggers for the other sites. If you have selected
several tables and have many sites on this intranet, processing may
take a while. The Processing Step area
displays the system's progress.
During processing, the system validates link setup between the master
site and the using sites of an intranet. If it finds a problem, an error
message displays and nothing is processed; fix the link and then click
Process again.
The Processed field indicates which tables
have been processed - for example, if you just unshared the tables, they
are now resident in all the site databases in the intranet. After a row
on the form is marked as Processed, subsequent "Process" runs
do not reprocess that row.
After all tables and sites are processed, the the replication triggers
are regenerated at the master site.