Maintaining Document Types

Before a document can be imported into the system and attached to a record or form, the system administrator must create document types in the Document Types form. You can include this information for each document type:

  • Associate a default file extension with the document type, which determines the application to use when presenting the document for viewing. For example, users might want  to attach purchase order documents created as Microsoft Word (*.docx) files to customer orders. Create a document type called CustomerPOs, and associate the file extension "docx" with that type. You can then use that document type when attaching PO files to customer orders.
  • Specify the storage method used for this document type. Documents can be stored in the application database or linked from a file server or FTP server. For linked documents, specify the area where that type of document is stored.

    See Managing File Servers for Linked Documents.

  • Specify which forms, and/or properties of forms, can have this document type attached.
    Note:  This specification can be different for different users, if multiple versions of the form exist with different scope type and/or scope names, or if a different forms database is used. This is because some versions of the form might contain the property and some might not.

To set up a document type:

  1. In the Document Types form, specify this information:
    Document Type
    Specify a name for the document type. This name could describe the type of application used, for example, Acrobat, Word, or Graphic, the file extension, for example, PDF or JPG, the storage method, for example, FTP or URL, the name of the file server, or some combination of these.
    Fully describe the document type.
    Storage Method
    Specify where files of this type will be stored: in the database or on a linked server.
    File Extension
    Optionally, specify the file extension that is associated by default with this document type. For example, if the Document Type is Acrobat or PDF , the default file extension could be pdf. If the Document Type is Graphic , the default file extension could be png. This default file extension is overwritten if the document you import has a different file extension.
    Media Type
    Optionally, specify a default media type for this document type. The default media type is populated in the Attached Documents form when this document type is selected.
  2. If you specified a Storage Method of Link, specify this additional information:
    File Specification
    Specify the root path where files are stored on the server:
    • For a shared file server path, use this format: \\server\share\

      You can also use this format to specify a single file; for example: \\server\share\filename.ext

    • For an FTP URI, use this format: FTP_Server/folder/

      This field can include record-specific  variables and property values. For example, a UNC path of \\MGserver1\MyShare\CustomerDocuments\P(CustNum)\* returns all of the files found in a folder that matches the currently selected customer number on the parent form.

      Note:  Any part of the specified path or filename can consist of variable or property value replacements, as in this example.
    File Server
    Select a file server or FTP server that is defined on the File Servers form. If no server is specified, the local server is assumed and Windows authentication is used.
  3. If you specified a Storage Method of Link, you can optionally specify the forms and/or properties on forms to which the linked document type are to be attached:
    • To make all files of this document type available only for certain forms, regardless of which properties appear there, specify each Form Name in the grid, using a separate row for each form. Then specify a single asterisk (*) in the Property Name field for each form. You must use the actual form name, and not its caption.
    • To make all files of this document type available for all forms that contain certain properties, specify each Property Name in the grid, using a separate row for each property. Then, for each property, specify a single asterisk (*) in the Form Name field. You must use the actual property name, and not its caption or label.
    • To make all files of this document type available only on the specified form and then only if it contains the specified property, specify both the Form Name and the Property Name, using a separate row for each combination.
    • To make all files of this document type available for all forms and all properties, specify single asterisks in both the Form Name and Property Name fields.

      Note:  This combination overrides all other Form Name-Property Name combinations.
  4. Save your changes.
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