Defining the Chinese Account Book and Report Layouts

  1. Open the Chinese Book Definition form.
  2. Click Define to display the Chinese Book Definition Data Entry form.
  3. Specify this information:
    Book Name
    Specify a name to define this journal.
    Book Type
    Specify the report layout for this book:
    • Three-Bucket: This type of report is only against one account and lists all of its transactions in a special period. It is a report with three numeric columns. For example, if there are 50 transactions in this period, then the report has 50 lines of transactions and three columns.
    • Multi-Bucket: This type of report is against more than one account, with each account information displayed in each column. For example, if five accounts are defined in the Multi-Bucket report, then five columns are displayed. An unlimited number of columns (accounts) can be defined in this type of report.
    • Book of Account: This type of report is similar to the Three-Bucket report, but it has a column for corresponding accounts. If there is more than one corresponding account, multiple lines are printed on the report.
    • Foreign Bucket: This type of report is the foreign currency report for a Three-Bucket report.
    • Foreign Account: This type of report is the foreign currency report for a Book of Account report.
    • Tax-Bucket: This type of report is used for reporting taxes, such as VAT on accounts.

    Select Account or Unit Code. These options have different purposes, depending on the book type you select. For example, if you select the Three Bucket or Multi-Bucket book types and you select Account, you can only edit the Account field. If you select either the Three Bucket or the Multi-Bucket book type and you select Unit Code, you can select a unit code with the account.

    Specify the account number or use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to select a set of accounts to display in the Chinese Report Sub-Account grid. For example, if you specify 11*, accounts that begin with 11 are listed.
    If this book uses a foreign currency, select this check box and then select the currency code.
    Debit Col
    Select this check box to print the debit transaction on the report.
    Credit Col
    Select this check box to print the credit transaction on the report.
    Bal Col
    Select this check box to print the leftover balance on the report.
    Bal Col is Last
    Select this check box to place the balance amount as the last column of the report.
    Display Unit Code
    Select this check box to print the unit code on the report.
    Group by D/C
    Select this check box to combine debit and credit transactions on the report.
    Group by Account
    Select  this check box to combine account transactions.
    Report Cols
    Specify the number of columns for the report. The default limit is 180.
    Rept Lines
    Specify the number of lines to show on each report page.
  4. In the Sub-Account grid, the sequence number for each row is automatically generated. Specify the account number, unit code, name of the bucket or account for the report, and a factor. The factor is a multiplier that is used against the retrieved transactions.
  5. Save your changes and close the form to return to the Chinese Book Definition form.
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