Creating Vouchers

Use the Voucher Maintenance form to create or view a voucher transaction. If the user who created the voucher (shown in the Ent. By field) is different from the current user, all fields in the voucher entry grid are disabled.

  1. Open the Voucher Maintenance form.
  2. Click the filter toolbar button.
  3. Select a Voucher Type. Some values on the form are filled with default values, based on the voucher type. This default information is defined in the Voucher Type Maintenance and Voucher Type Relationship Maintenance forms.
  4. Specify or review these fields in the header section of the form:
    Prefix No
    This number is determined by the voucher type.
    Voucher No
    This number is system-generated based on the selected voucher type and is incremented by one from the last number used for this prefix.
    Specify any notes about the voucher. You can select a predefined note. Predefined notes are defined on the Note Descriptions form.
    Transaction Date
    The date that the voucher was created is displayed .You can specify a different date.
    After voucher entry is complete, the name of the user who is responsible for the currently selected voucher is displayed.
    Specify the number of attachments.
    Select this check box if you are entering a reversing transaction. A reversing transaction is usually used for an accrual type transaction. For example, when the pay period extends across a fiscal period, you must enter a transaction for the partial pay period in order to produce an accurate figure for the fiscal period. When this check box is selected, this transaction is posted to the ledger at posting time and a transaction similar to it is also posted, but the transaction amounts are reversed. For example, a debit becomes a credit.
    Select this check box to indicate that the debit amount value is a negative credit amount, and the credit amount value is a negative debit amount. No validation is performed, but  positive amounts show as debits and negative amounts show as credits in posting procedures and Chinese financial reports.
    Doc No
    Specify the document number, if necessary.
  5. As vouchers are processed, this information is displayed in the header:
    Debit Total and Credit Total
    These fields show the total debit and credit amounts of the voucher entries listed in the grid for the current voucher. These amounts are system-calculated fields.
    App By, Check By, Ent By and Date

    After the voucher has been created, checked or approved, these fields contain the name of the user who created, checked, or approved it, and the date that occurred. If you disapprove a voucher, the App By field is cleared.

  6. In the grid, specify this information about the voucher:
    The sequence number of the voucher detail transaction is system-generated.
    Debit or Credit
    Specify the debit or credit amount of the transaction.
    Account and Unit Codes
    Specify the G/L account and unit code for the debit or credit entry.
    Specify any notes about the voucher. You can select a predefined note. The default value in this field is copied from the header.
    Domestic Amount
    Specify the domestic amount of the transaction.
    Specify 1 for Customer or 2 for Vendor to indicate whether this transaction is related to a customer or a vendor.
    Customer Number/Vendor Number

    Specify the number of the customer or vendor, depending on the option selected in the Customer/Vendor field.

    Bank Code
    Select the bank code to use for the voucher.
    Settle Method
    Specify the payment or receipt method to use.
    Check Number and Date
    Specify the check number and issue date.
    Currency Code
    The currency code that is displayed is based on the Bank Code.
    Exchange Rate
    Specify the exchange rate of the currency code when compared to the domestic currency. The default value is taken from the exchange rate on the Currency Rates form.
    Foreign Amount
    If this voucher is a foreign currency voucher, specify the foreign currency amount. The descriptions for the account and unit codes that you specified are also displayed on this form.
  7. Save your changes.
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