Creating a Co-Product Job Order

You can create a co-product job on the Job Orders form and maintain its co-products or by-products using either the Co-products tab on the Job Orders form or the Co-product Job Orders form.

To create a co-product job order:

  1. Open the Job Orders form and on the toolbar, click the Filter-In-Place button.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. In the Output Type field, select Co-product Mix.
  4. Specify standard job order information, with these differences:
    • Item: Enter a valid item number for the lead co-product item.
    • Revision: Enter the revision number of the item.
      Caution:  An error message displays if the co-product items have a different revision track setting and the validation fails.
    • Released: Enter the number of items to be produced for this job. The value you enter must be an integer multiple of the total number of co-product items in the co-product mix.

    See Creating a Job Order Manually.

  5. On the Co-products tab, specify the Co-product Mix. If you are using a co-product mix that has already been defined on the Co-product Mix form, accept the default, or enter another co-product mix that contains the same lead co-product item. By default the system uses the lead co-product item's Preferred Co-product Mix on the Items form.
  6. Select Actions > Save. Co-product information is automatically entered in the Co-products grid and on the Co-Product Job Orders form for this order.

You can now add a co-product routing and bill of material to the job.

  • You can change co-product information on either the Co-products tab on this form or using the Co-Product Job Orders form.
  • If you need to add, remove, or update co-products for this job, either change the co-product mix quantity or cross reference the job using the References tab on this form. On the References tab, do not cross-reference a co-product job to a customer order line item or project.
  • If the Molding pack is enabled and you need to specify the number of cycles that will be performed on the resource for the co-product job, enter this in the Product Cycles field on the Co-products tab and then save again.
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