Setting Up Users for Employee Self Service
After configuring Employee Self Service, you can set up its users. This topic assumes that employee and position setup is already complete in CloudSuite Industrial. Verify that these tasks have been completed:
- On the Employees form, or the Employee 360 form, all employee records have been created.
- On the Positions form, or the Employee 360 form, a position record has been created for each employee. In the Supervisor field, make sure to specify the supervisor who is responsible for each position.
- On the Employee Positions form, or the Employee 360 form, all employees have been associated with a position.
With employee and positions setup complete, you can set up users for Employee Self Service.
If the employee is to be paid for time off requested using Employee Self Service, then on the HR tab, select check boxes for the applicable types: Paid Vac, Paid Sick, Paid Hol, and Paid Other.
Repeat step 2 for each employee who is to have access to Employee Self Service Web forms.
- On the Human Resources Parameters form in the HR Contact User ID field, specify the user ID of the Human Resources employee who should receive e-mails messages sent from Employee Self Service.
- Provide employees with the login user ID and password created in step 1, unless they are to use the workstation login option. Also provide the Sign In form URL. Typically it follows this format: http://<UtilityServer>/wswebclient/default.aspx?page=FormOnly¬itle=1&config=EmployeeSelfService&form=EmployeeSelfServiceHome.ess