Generating a Positive Pay File

A positive pay file is a file you send to your bank that provides a list of the checks issued, their dollar amounts, and your bank account number in a text file.

To set this up:

  1. Create the format:
    1. Open the Positive Pay Format Sections form.
    2. Select the desired bank code.
    3. Provide the format.

      You must get this format from the bank.

    4. Select section 1, 2, or 3.
    5. Provide a description of the section if desired.
    6. Save.
  2. Define the fields for the file:
    1. Open the Positive Pay Format Fields form.
    2. Select the bank code, format name, and section.

      The format name and section choices for each bank code were created on the Positive Pay Format Sections form.

    3. Provide a sequence number.
    4. In the Type field, specify Constant, Database, or Function.

      Other fields on this form are either active or inactive depending on the choice you choose here.

    5. Provide the length.
    6. Save.
  3. Generate the file.
    1. Open the Positive Pay File Generator form.
    2. Select the bank code and the format name.
    3. Select a check date range.
    4. Either accept the default location and name for the file, or change this.
    5. Click Process.