Mapping Bank Files to A/R Payments and Distributions

Use the information in this topic to set up the mapping between an electronic A/R payment file from a bank and CloudSuite Industrial tables, so that the import works for specific bank file formats.

Follow these steps:

  1. Use the Electronic File Transfer Code Lists form to associate each inbound bank code with a valid Infor CloudSuite Industrial code for each map type and each map format type, so that the bank statements are imported with preferred labels.
  2. Use the Electronic File Transfer Conversions form to specify conversions of values from incoming payment files into acceptable CloudSuite Industrial values.
  3. Use the Electronic File Transfer Map Format Types form to set up the needed format types.
  4. Use the Electronic File Transfer Mappings form to define the import path, contents, and formatting of an incoming A/R payment file from a specific bank:
    1. Specify this information:
      Map ID and Description
      Specify an ID and description that clearly define the bank and the type of file to be used for this import.
      Import Logical Folder
      Specify the logical folder where files to be imported with this format are placed for processing. The logical folder must already exist, and you must belong to the same authorization group as the logical folder.
      Archive Logical Folder
      Specify the logical folder where the EFT payment file is stored after it has been processed. You archive these files in case they need to be reimported or viewed later. This logical folder must already exist, and you must belong to the same authorization group as the logical folder.

      You can use the Files button to delete old archived files or download them to save in another area.

      Specify one of these options:
      • Delimited: There is a delimiter character between each field in the imported file.
      • Non-Delimited: There are no delimiters in the imported file.
      • NACHA CCD: This Map ID is used when you import fixed format files that use the NACHA format. In this case, you cannot further define the mapping. The Electronic File Transfer Imports form will process incoming files based on the standard NACHA CCD fixed format.
    2. If Type is set to Delimited, specify the delimiter character and specify whether the fields are enclosed in quotation marks. If so, the quotation marks are stripped off.
    3. If amounts in the imported file do not contain an actual decimal point, but have an implied decimal point, select Amounts Contain Implied Decimal and then specify the number of digits that are included to the right of the decimal.
    4. Specify the Date Format used in the file.
    5. Specify whether Record Identifiers Are Used in the file. If yes, then specify this information:
      Record Identifier Field Number
      If Type is set to Delimited, specify the field position of the Record ID field.
      Starting and Ending Position
      If Type is set to Non-Delimited, specify the characters in the row that are the start and end of the Record ID value.
    6. In the Mapping Groups section, specify this information:
      Specify the name of the mapping group, which identifies the purpose of field mappings in the group. Currently the options are Payment or Distribution.

      Specify the sequence number.

  5. Use the Electronic File Transfer Map Types form to determine how imported data is viewed.
  6. On the Electronic File Transfer Mappings form, perform these tasks:
    1. Click Build DataViews, so that you can see the imported data on the Electronic File Transfer Mapped Imports form.
    2. Click Build Event Handler, so that after the file is imported, AR Payments, AP Payments, and Bank Reconciliation Utility records are created.
  7. On the Electronic File Transfer Imports form, import a bank file:
    1. Set up the Map ID, the Import Logical Folder, and the Archive Logical Folder fields.
    2. Click Process.
    3. Ensure everything came in as expected.
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