Distributing Recurring Vouchers

You can distribute the amount of each recurring voucher across multiple accounts in the General Ledger. You can distribute these recurring vouchers either manually or automatically:

  • To automatically create a voucher distribution in the Recurring Vouchers form, select the desired voucher and then select Actions > Distribution Generation.

    When you do this, the distribution uses the default purchases account from the Vendor record. If there is not a default purchases account on the Vendor record, then it uses the default purchases account from Accounts Payable Parameters.

  • To manually create a voucher distribution, use the steps in this topic.

You only need to create the General Ledger (G/L) distributions once for each recurring voucher, unless the payment amount changes.

After the recurring vouchers and their distributions are set up, then each time you run the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation utility, it creates a recurring voucher and posts the voucher and its G/L distributions to the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.

Note:  The system saves the recurring voucher's G/L distribution records until you delete the recurring voucher.

To manually create a voucher distribution:

  1. Open the Recurring Vouchers form.
  2. Select the desired voucher.
  3. To display the voucher in the Recurring Voucher Distribution form, click Distributions.
  4. On the Recurring Voucher Distribution form:
    1. Select the vendor.
    2. To add a distribution, select Actions > New.
    3. Specify this required information:
      Specify the amount for this distribution sequence number.
      Specify the account number for this distribution sequence number.
  5. Continue adding distributions until the Distribution Total field equals the Invoice Amt field.
  6. Optionally, to associate a distribution with a project on the Recurring Voucher Distribution form:
    1. In the Dist Seq field, accept the default of the next available sequence number.
    2. In the Project field, select the project number for the recurring voucher.
    3. Select the task number.
    4. Select the project cost code.
  7. You might have to enter tax information on the Recurring Voucher Distribution form, depending on how the tax parameters were set up for this vendor. To add tax information:
    1. Select the tax system number to be used with this tax distribution.
    2. Select the tax code rate.
    3. Select the exempt tax code, if necessary.
    4. In the Tax Basis field, enter the taxable monetary amount on which the tax amount is based.
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