Using Currency Exchange Rate Overrides
For forms that include exchange rates, with the exception of payment forms, you can control whether or not the rate can be overridden by using the Allow Currency Rate Override check box on the Multi-Currency Parameters form. By default the setting is selected, so overrides are allowed. To prevent overrides, you can simply clear the check box.
You can also control override amounts by specifying a tolerance type and amount. Override thresholds are optional.
All override settings on the Multi-Currency Parameters form are used across the system, but they can be changed for individual currency codes using the Currency Codes form.
With override parameters set, this is an example of how they are used:
- While entering a transaction, a user selects a customer or currency code.
- The exchange rate is added by default on the form.
- The user changes the exchange rate.
- Multi-currency parameters are automatically checked to see if rate overrides are allowed.
- If so, currency code settings are automatically checked to see if the selected code allows overrides.
- If so, the override type is checked:
- For Percent, the system calculates to make sure the override falls within the range of the code’s default rate ± (default rate x percent).
- For Amount, the system calculates to make sure the override falls within the range of the code’s default rate ± (default rate x amount).
- For Default, the system looks to the Multi-Currency Parameters form override settings and performs the same checks.
- If an override type is not specified, no threshold is used and any override amount is allowed on the transactions.