Specifying settings for Cylinder gauges

When using the Specify Gauge Settings dialog box to create and configure gauges, the settings on the Cylinder tab are used only when the gauge type is Cylinder and control how these types of gauges display.

When modifying a gauge by script, use the GaugeSetProperty method or the GaugeGetProperty method to make these settings. Use the GaugeProperty enumeration.

This table lists the basic settings you can make on the Cylinder tab. GaugeSetProperty and GaugeGetProperty property names are also listed.

Cylinder tab Fields / Options Property name Description / Comments
Origin X

Origin Y



Specify the X and Y coordinates for the bottom left portion of the cylinder. Coordinates are given in pixels as measured from the lower left corner of the gauge component.  

As Origin X increases, the cylinder is moved to the right. As Origin Y increases, the cylinder is moved upward.

Radius CylRadius Specify, in pixels, the radius of the cylinder.
Height CylHeight Specify, in pixels, the height of the cylinder.
Y Scale CylYScale Specify the units of scaling, from 0 to 50, for the Y-scale perspective (vertical aspect of the cylinder).

For example, by default, a cylinder appears as if you are looking at it from a somewhat elevated position, above the level of the cylinder itself. This is the equivalent of setting this option to about 30.

If you then set this option to 0, the cylinder appears as if you are looking at it directly from the side, at the same level as the cylinder itself.

If you set this option to 50, the cylinder appears as if you are looking at it from about a 45 degree angle above the cylinder.

Fill Color CylFillColor Specify the RGB value for the cylinder fill color, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).

You can double-click to display the Color dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom color for the cylinder fill. The hexadecimal code displays after you click OK to exit the Color dialog box.

For more information about these and other gauge properties, see the FusionCharts Developer help (www.fusioncharts.com/dev/).

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