Lets form and application developers know when an invalid reference to a property has taken place or is about to take place. This allows developers to develop in such a way that they can choose either:

  • To bypass the property referenced by this function (by checking before the property is actually referenced), when an invalid return is indicated; or
  • To check whether an invalid value was returned from the referenced property (by checking after the value is returned).

Return Value


A value of TRUE indicates that the property and/or its return value is available. A value of FALSE indicates that the property and/or its return value is not available.


PROPERTYAVAILABLE( string propertyName )

where propertyName is a reference to a named property in one of these:

  • P( ) or PROPERTY( ) function
  • PROPERTYMODIFIED( ) function
  • SETPROPVALUES( ) application event system keyword

Used with Framework Events

  • IdoOnItemInsert
  • IdoPostItemInsert
  • IdoOnItemUpdate
  • IdoPostItemUpdate
  • IdoOnItemDelete
  • IdoPostItemDelete
  • IdoOnLoadCollection
  • IdoPostLoadCollection