Inventory Control Home - Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab on the Inventory Control Home form lists links to forms and activities you need to do your job as an inventory controller. The links are grouped into the following categories: Setup, Inventory Visibility, Activities, and Reporting And Analysis. There are also four charts and a grid on this tab.

My Stats

The My Stats area of this tab contains three links: Alerts, Tasks, and Inbox. You are redirected to the Tasks tab if you click any of the links. The Tasks tab shows tasks and inbox messages. The number of alerts on the Tasks tab is broken down by being either on the Items Below Safety Stock button or the Items Quarantined button.


You can hover your mouse pointer over any of the columns to see the data value for that column.

Availability For Top 5 Highest Value Items: This chart displays the availability of the five highest value items (cost * quantity on hand).

Top 5 Shortage Amounts: This chart displays the five item/warehouse combinations with the largest shortage amount (cost * shortage).

Key Today: This chart shows four pieces of information:

  • CO to Ship: This is the number of CO Line/Releases to ship as of the current day for all customer order items with a status of Planned or Ordered, the due date is on or before the current day, and the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered.
  • Shipped: This is the number of CO Line/Releases that have completely shipped today. This means a shipping transaction occurred today, and the line/release's quantity shipped is greater than or equal to the quantity ordered.
  • PO to Receive: This is the number of PO Line/Releases to receive as of today for all purchase order items with a status of Planned or Ordered, the due date is on or before the current date, and the quantity received is less than the quantity ordered.
  • Received: This is the number of PO Line/Releases that have been completely received today. This means a receiving transaction occurred today, and the line/release's quantity received is greater than or equal to the quantity ordered.

Cycle Count Adjustments: This chart shows the monetary amount of quantity adjustments, detailed for the current month and the three previous months. This data is pulled from material transactions for cycle count transactions. Each column is stacked with the "Up" value that sums the positive adjustments, and a "Down" value that sums the negative adjustments.


Top 5 Product Code Values: This grid shows the top five values of product codes for the last four periods (including the current period). This is similar to the Inventory Value sub-tab on the Navigator tab, but is the total for Product Codes for the last four periods.