Executive Home - Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab on the Executive Home form displays five charts, using the periods of the current site.


The Key Today chart shows three different sets of data:

  • Order Bookings: This is the order booking amount that was entered today. The net price is summed for all order lines created today for all sites in the site group.
  • PO Funds Committed: This is the PO amount that was entered today. The cost is summed for all order lines created today for all sites in the site group.
  • Cash Received: This is the cash received amount for today for all sites in the site group.

The % On Time Shipments chart displays the percent of orders, by period, that were on time.

The Payments: AR vs AP chart displays Total Cash In and Total Cash Out.

The Days Sales Outstanding chart shows the average number of days to collect revenue after a sale has been made. A low DSO number means that it takes a company fewer days to collect its accounts receivable. A high DSO number shows that a company is selling its product to customers on credit and taking longer to collect money. The amounts are calculated using the following formula: [Accounts Receivable / Total Credit Sales] * Number of Days.

The Days Payable Outstanding chart shows the average payable period, and is calculated using this formula: [Accounts Payable / Cost of Sales] * Number of Days.