Notify PO Line Received for an Item - Workflow Event Handler

Use this event handler to automatically notify certain people when a purchase order line is received that contains the items you specify in this event handler. The notification can be an external email and/or a message sent to the Inbox form for CloudSuite Industrial users.

This is the text of the notification that is sent:

To: receipient
From: originator
Subject: Purchase Order Item has been received
Body: Item item has been received for Purchase Order ponum. 

Variable Information

Variable Description
recipient For an Inbox message, this is the user name you specify in the Notify Users field on the Workflow Event Handler Activation form. You can specify multiple names separated by semicolons.

For an external email, this is the email address you specify in the Email Users field on the Workflow Event Handler Activation form. You can specify multiple names separated by a semicolons.

originator For an Inbox message, this is usually the name of the user who performed the action that generated the message.

For an external email, this is usually the email address associated with the CloudSuite Industrial user who performed the action that generated the message.

However, if the user does not have an associated email address in the Users form, or if the system cannot determine a user associated with the action, a default address or name is used. In some cases, this default is the email address for the SMTP User Name associated with the intranet entered on the Site/Entities form for the site.

item This is the item (or one of the items) you entered in the Items field on the Workflow Event Handler Activation form.
ponum This is the number of the purchase order with a line whose due date has changed.

Global Constants

These global constants are created by the event handler, based on the entries you make in the Workflow Event Handler Activation form:

Global Constant Contains
PurchaseOrderItemReceivedManagerID Contents of the Notify Users field
PurchaseOrderItemReceivedManagerEmail Contents of the Email Users field.
PurchaseOrderItemReceivedItem Contents of the Items field.

Associated Event and Table

The event PurchaseOrderLineItemReceived for the poitem table triggers this notification.

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